Those who are not interested in reality from the eyewitness, and those who "already know everything" - you can not read.
This is in his blog on Facebook wrote a soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Глеб Бабич (Call Sign Lazy), according to «СЛАВА УКРАИНЕ»МБФ.
I got acquainted with various comments on the visit of the PAP to the liberated Katerinovka, on the "zero" opornik and 10 OGSHBr.
In addition to positive, neutral and simply negative, having a negative attitude towards the PAP (which is quite normal in a democratic state) - there are others.
Comments of "experts" and "conspiracy experts". Like, everything is not real, people are dummy, positions in the back of the rear, and in general - all this is a production circus.
Therefore, I consider it necessary to provide you with information "from within", from the immediate participant of events - from me.
The general situation: the additional risk was that besides the President, the Minister of Defense, the NSA and the head of the National Security and Defense Council participated in the trip. Despite the truce, and the right timing of the visit - the behavior of the militants is characterized by spontaneity and unpredictability of violations of the regime.
The president really was in Katerynovka. In the center of the village there is a single playground in front of the store where residents of the village are accustomed to.
Katerynovka is now completely under the control of the APU. However, according to the agreements, it still refers to the gray (demilitarized) zone. That excludes the presence in it of our main forces. Right behind her is the enemy.
Left and right along the front are two enemy strongholds. At a distance of 1500 and 1800 meters. Before the "working" positions, (firing points), on which the enemy goes for fire work - 800-900 meters.
The area is covered with houses and greenery, located on the outside of the village at a slight distance. That excluded the possibility of a "direct shot". And this is the only good location option.
Bad parameters include the weapons available to militants in positions, and the very "zero" location. If you still drive down the street and go to the outskirts of the village - almost immediately you get to the place where BRDM was recently hit, and our Sabina perished. Which went to Katerinovka to provide medical care to people.
Means of possible defeat (for those to whom it says something): AGS-17, LNG with fragmentation grenade, RPG-7 with grenade without liquidator, BMP from the closed position, regular mortar batteries 82 and 120 mm.
In the most sad case - a major art.
Means and methods of protection:
In connection with the secrecy, the reinforcement and special training of the battalion responsible for this zone were excluded. Any concentration of forces and "movement" would immediately attract attention.
The battalion, at the command of the brigade commander, was brought into a state of high alert when the convoy left (about 40 minutes).
Any activity of the enemy (fire, attack, exit, DRG) would be immediately suppressed. Established "high readiness" is a very serious thing for us, believe me.
However, a full-scale battle would begin, in which "everything flies". That would allow the cortege to leave, but the risk would be maximized.
Distance to the enemy, and all the parameters of risk and fire threat - about the same as in Katerinovka.
However, the distance to the enemy is somewhat closer. And there is no such tight cover for buildings. And the risk is proportionally higher.
All the people present at the meeting are real residents of Katerinovka.
No preparation, filtration of people and questions did not exist from the word "absolutely".
Katerininovtsy, according to the voiced version, expected the deputy governor. He came first, and began a working conversation. The issues discussed were important. And no one paid special attention to the passage of several more cars (especially, it was said that the deputy minister could come up again).
The reaction to the appearance of the president was seen on TV. Live, it was even brighter.
Attitude and atmosphere were mutually benevolent. It is a fact.
The situation in the village of power and the 10th brigade were engaged from the very beginning (and long before the idea of this trip arose). Therefore, people did not feel abandoned.
But there are many problems in the recently liberated village. And the attitude towards them in people is different. Therefore, everyone was free to talk and ask anything. As everything happened - you can see on any of the filming.
At the end of the meeting, and the next day the CIMIC brigade, which was responsible for organizing the "meeting with the Deputy Governor", as well as for the brigade's help to the village from the first day, studied the residents' reaction with interest.
I will upset the expectation of many - it is entirely positive. People were happy about the visit, and they evaluate the event highly. Everything was simple and human. The "aftermath" of the meeting is definitely "plus". And this is a fact.
Preliminary preparation was reduced to a thorough study of the situation.
GP was selected according to the simplest principle - the nearest one, to the place of the main location. With what problems there were no. Both are absolute zero.
No "entourage" and "scenery" was created. Everything was as usual, without the slightest adjustment.
All the people present at the GP are his regular fighters. No filtration, and "specially brought fighters" was not.
In addition to the meeting was only the commander of a neighboring point (crossed the road). With any "preliminary preparation" it was necessary to hide it unequivocally. A man is sharp, straight, paying little attention to ranks and authorities.
Actually, the "Sonechka" on VOPe were picked up by those. The most different ages - from twenty to small, to "much for 50".Basically, the warring for a long time. They saw a lot. Several Ilovayskys. With contusions, wounds, hapnuvshie full set of "delights of war." And because people are difficult, with a completely repulsed "piietet." Capable of saying anything and anyone.
So, the next day I went to them myself. I was just really interested in their real attitude to what happened. Real - because I do not belong to their command. And I will never substitute anyone. And I really appreciate their trust.
They are happy. They appreciated this act. They consider it to be correct and necessary. As proof that this is our land. As proof that we are not afraid. No one.
Attitude - as a landmark event, which will be remembered for life.
The flags signed by the PAP are already hanging on both neighboring VOPs. In a place of honor.
In relation to the president - "Man. Not zasal "(sorry for the quote).
"I communicated simply. He behaved correctly. X ** did not say anything. "
The latter did not apply to everyone. One of the journalists managed to ask the "burning question". "How do you feel about the situation with Savchenko, and to the fact that she brought grenades to the Verkhovna Rada?" (I do not answer for the accuracy of the letter)
It strained. The man happened to get to the "zero" - but the fighters and the situation are not interesting to him. He and here brought with him "Kiev dregs". The boys began to "pour" and look at each other.
According to the "sharp" commander of the neighboring VOP - "Alekseich helped. He saw our reaction, and asked us not to be forced to say "army language" (and this is also a quote).
Why so appreciated? Because they understand the degree of risk best of all. And importance is a demonstration of strength.And it was just a "demonstration of strength."
Because when Glavkom comes to the troops to "zero" - this is normal and correct.
In addition, the visit to the brigade, attention to the brigade - raised morale without any trace of irony. And this, too, is true.
I know that I have not convinced many who adhere to their "iron position" with religious conviction.
I will not dispel theories of conspiracy theorists about "contractual" and "statements."
All of the above is simple facts. Those that can be voiced. Many participants will read this text. Therefore, I strictly follow the correspondence of what has been said - reality.
All this is easily verified - the 10th brigade is very open to the publicity system. And, in the end, there are Kaelinovka's welsh.
And I, as the direct participant of events at all its stages - I am responsible for every word written above. Justify and convince in the comments - I will not. I am responsible for my words. Be kind, stick to this principle mutually.
PS The President's Security Service is a tough profession. And they do not eat their bread for nothing.
And the eldest has nerves of steel. Thickness with telegraph pole))