Signing of the Free trade zone between Canada and Ukraine became the next stone of the base of new G5 East.

This union includes five countries now: Canada, the USA, Britain and Poland with Ukraine, but prospect means still arrival of Germany. The reason of such profound changes – enormously significant geopolitical position of Ukraine for Europe and Asia. Because two trade bridges – with Europe and Asia are necessary for the American-British plans. And Ukraine is gate to such bridge.

It is a little one after another. Besides that the FTA with Canada expands possibilities of Ukraine, in the next plans at lobbyists Bank to push with Canada the visa-free regime and most likely this purpose will be achievable, however not in 2016 when since fall of year the visa-free regime for Ukraine earns with Schengen, and in 2017 that presumably, as envisioned by new G5 East has to serve participation of Ukraine in the project of Transatlantic trade partnership which Americans push several years in the EU. From here such significant support of Britain in the matters is unsurprising. Ukraine is interesting including to them as TTIP is a product not only of Americans, but also British, interested in participation as in TTP, and TTIP. 

In general, as envisioned by administration of the White House, Britain and Canada have to serve as a peculiar trade and economic bridge between the Transpacific partnership and Transatlantic trade partnership, having united thus two most powerful commerce and industry systems of the planet which will concentrate in themselves 80% of universal GDP. I more than once noted that Obama's presidency in some way in a revolutionary way for America and perhaps all Western world. An essence of this revolution in completion of process of Globalization which will be productive within the next decade. In 10-15 years the territory of all participants of the aforesaid unions will turn into the Free trade zone and a global Visa-free Regime. And if there is a bridge between Europe and America, on the one hand, that why not to appear to such bridge between Europe and Asia? And here two countries separating Europe from Asia have to become the similar bridge, as envisioned by architects of the future. It is Ukraine and Poland.

Thus, if plans are realized, Ukraine will become binding knot of one more trade union of the near future which is built around China, India and a row strfn the Middle East. The tunnel in this direction punches China already throughout a long time, collecting around itself in that number and the countries of Central Asia which will form a basis of "A new Silk way". And the New Silk way, is model of Trans-Asiatic Trade partnership. However here still there have to be really tectonic changes in China and India. But when they will occur, two countries occupying the territory from Baltic to the Black Sea which already has the conditional name Intermarium and will turn into the new bridge of growth of economy of the First World. Thus the last brick in the building of Globalization will be put by Ukraine and Poland where at a boundary the 20-30kh of years of a new century. From here and all movements of the new coalition of support of Ukraine, from here and reform of the Ukrainian customs by British and Canadian. The new police, new army, changes in the legislation on the western sample occur promptly – the bridge has to be ready in 10 years. To this term Ukraine will enter NATO. And it is confirmed by summit events in Poland where the future is now formed:

1. Ukraine and Georgia – strategic partners of NATO. 
2. For the accession to NATO the reservation on lack of the territorial conflicts is cleaned. There was only a compliance to NATO standards and desire. At the same time army reforms in Ukraine are highly appreciated.
3. Three countries from Alliance begin to provide to Ukraine lethal weapon (Britain, Poland and Canada).

4. NATO will improve missile defense in Poland and Romania.

5. Expenses of member countries of Alliance on defense industry have to be lifted to 2% GDP, and the general defense expenditure will exceed $1 trillion.

That is missile defense closes Europe from the East now. Placement of missile defense in Ukraine – a matter of time on this background, as well as accommodation of NATO troops (the global Peace needs to be defended from idiots).

And that to Russia, it not that has rejected the development by confrontation with the West for years – moreover, the Kremlin has just closed to itself doors in community, in the new trade unions which surround the planet and concentrate in themselves practically all available economic and technological power. Russia has lost the right of an advisory vote for strategic decisions of Alliance. Loses a role of the strategic partner of the EU in the power sphere. And it for very long period, is possible yes two and more generations. For Russians it has to be accident, however in Snigeriya it disturbs nobody.

It will be interesting to live in Ukraine that who has now entered to the UNIVERSITY – Ukraine of the future, it is their Ukraine, them constructed and worthy. Because Ukraine is wanted to be included in the First World, the World after Globalization and to a lump as here itself to help not us with it.

Victor Shevchuk. Russian Jew.

Source: http://rusjev.net/


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