Just look at this map. What do you think, looking at these States in Eastern Europe? Yes – this is the territory “from sea to sea” for allies and friends. Elections in Poland will breathe new President in the Ukrainian-Polish relationship fresh energy, analysts say. Maybe this will be the first step in the ambitious project, which supports and Britain, the strongest project of the Confederation of European States. The project entitled “Intermarium” at the moment, becomes relevant again. In the case of its implementation, Russia will be physically isolated from the West.
The project of the Confederate States, which would include Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and possibly Finland, was first nominated by Jozef Pilsudski after the First world war.
The proposed Confederation was to recreate a multinational and multicultural tradition of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Pilsudski believed that her recovery will allow the States of Central Europe to avoid dominance in its region of Germany or Russia. The idea at the time, challenged the USSR and all the Western powers, except France, which was suddenly supported by poles.
This Confederation was to stretch from the Black and Adriatic seas to the Baltic sea, which emphasized in its name. Plans at that time were rather more like dreams, but in the 30-ies in this direction have begun to be active. And if not interfered with Stalin, Eastern Europe would look different. There would be no need to "Hungary-57" and "Czechoslovakia-68" – the country would have remained free.
In the late 30's and early 40's the idea of the Union of land lying between the Baltic, the Black, Aegean and Adriatic seas was revived by the Polish government in exile under the leadership of władysław Sikorski. The first stage of its implementation were the negotiations between the Greek, Yugoslav, Czechoslovak, and Polish government-in-exile, which took place in 1942 under the auspices of Britain. They envisaged the creation of a Czechoslovak-Polish Confederation and the Greek-Yugoslav Confederation. However, these actions and ideas were negatively perceived in other anti-Hitler coalition. Fears of France, mainly related to the role of the new state in post-war Europe, as the “Intermarium” could claim part of the dividend in defeated Germany – how regarding the payment of damages and territorial claims. Stalin feared a breakdown of its plan of control of Eastern Europe and made Herculean efforts to the disruption of inter-seas movement, even sacrificed the German indemnity only for the sake of the Warsaw sat the Communist government.
Britain then lost, but not forgotten this project, as had not forgotten him and in Poland. In the 1960s, politician and publicist Jerzy Giedroyc and political scientist Juliusz Mieroszewski adapted the concept of "Memoria" to the geopolitical realities of the post-war world in his doctrine of the ULB, as expressed in Polish émigré journal Kultura in 1974. In their concept of Central importance was attached to an independent de jure Ukraine, Lithuania and Belarus (hence the name of the ULB: Ukraine – Lithuania – Belarus), as related to the entities under the control of external forces, and Poland was granted the role of a regional leader.
This ended the idea of Memoria in the twentieth century.
One of the initiators of vzrozhdenia European Confederation and was killed Polish President Lech Kaczynski. It was proposed to hold a conference on “Intermarium”, taking advantage of new opportunities – changes in Ukraine related to the first Maidan. However, the plans could not be realized – April 10, 2010 Kaczynski together with a large delegation of Poland suddenly died in a plane crash near Smolensk, which in itself has raised many questions. One of suspicion – the plane crash Lech Kaczynski was rigged by the Russian special services.
In November 2010, in Vilnius (Lithuania) is still hosted the international scientific conference "New region of Europe: paradigms of regional development in the Baltic-black sea region". At the conference, academics, politicians, journalists and intelligence experts from Lithuania, Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, Hungary and other EU countries discussed the existence of a common regional space — Balto-black sea Midamor.
New incentive plan “Intermarium”, which arose in 2015, is associated with the change of leadership of Poland. The new President of Poland, Andrzej Duda called for the revival of the project of Confederation. Moreover, he noted that the key role in this project is given not only Ukraine, but it will be based on newly discovered opportunities. It is about the divide between Asia and Europe, as well as the establishment of a new regional counterweight, as a regulator of energy and source of stability. This contribute to the mood of some political circles in Britain. Moreover, the inclusion in the plan “Intermarium” of Ukraine, is likely to lead to greater partnership role of the USA and Canada to Poland and Ukraine. Britain
For anybody not a secret that the British policy in Europe for hundreds of years is based on the concept of a “balance of forces”, when among European States there is no single dominant center, and at least two. And because Britain is not quite like the economic and political strengthening of Germany, which including looking for allies including Russia. Interest in the project may suddenly appear and France, which believes that a powerful Union in Eastern Europe, increase stability, and solve the problems of migration from Asia in the direction of “old Europe”.
Deterrent such gain will be of course “Intermarium”, to which Germany and Russia will actively resist, and Russia is ready to go even on a military confrontation that is now observed. But at the same time on the background of the war in the Donbass and Russia's aggression in Europe has seen a rapid convergence of Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic States in the integration and mutual response to new challenges from the common potential enemy. In orbit of the Confederate plan “Intermarium” can get involved and Belarus after the change of political regime, as evidenced themselves and Belorus.
In March 1993 in Poland published a book by Tomasz Schapanski "Memorie", which almost immediately was translated into Belarusian language. In it the author gives a thorough geopolitical characteristics of the region, considering its history and various ways of forming Memoria. And how can build Memoria with its geopolitical neighbours, Russia, Western Europe, Scandinavia.
That will give Ukraine and Poland “Intermarium”?
If 10-15 years from Poland and Ukraine will be able to unite politically and economically, creating and also military Alliance, they will be the economy and statehood in line with such countries as Germany, Britain and France, ahead of Russia. Why is it so? It is easy to see that Poland with a population of approximately 39 million and Ukraine with a population of over 43,5 million excluding annexed Crimea with heavy industry and closed industrial production chain that can compete with European goods within the common market. Politically also the Ukrainian-Polish Alliance would have considerable weight due to its geographical position.
The fact that this Union their territory completely block the way from Europe from the Baltic to the black sea in Asia. The only exception is unreliable communications via Turkey. But the inclusion of the Balkans in General the Union will turn this region into a prosperous. Extensive transport network of Ukraine and Poland will be a reliable support for the movement of goods, being the end point for the “great silk road”, which is now being built by China. From this endpoint in Europe will depend on all of Asia, including China, Central Asian republics and of course Russia. In political terms, Russia will be dropped at the position of the pre-Petrine period, having only outputs to the internal seas, where the Straits are controlled by a third – party intermediary in the trade. In addition it is worth noting an important factor intelligent and land potential of the region. Ukraine is now in fact on the threshold of major changes and nothing gets in the way to become the world's largest granary. The potential of the Ukrainian lands provide products not only in Europe, but also Russia and China. On the intellectual capital of Ukraine is one of Pravasi places in Europe. Today Ukraine has already entered the top five leaders by the volume of it outsourcing products.
It is also important to note the increasing military importance of the Union. Military Alliance implies a strong army, which has already passed the test in battle with a serious opponent, and in the case of military unification and introduction of modern technologies, the United forces of Ukraine and Poland will be able to play a role for NATO as it now plays France and Britain. Polish army (140 000 of constant composition) and Ukrainian (250 000), the total military budget (about 16 billion dollars) plus heavy weapons, as well as the possibility of placing of the ABM in territory of the States will turn this region into a secure and reliable turn. The army of the Union will be the strongest in Europe.
So – half a million army, complete control of trade routes to Asia, industrial and agricultural potential, the region's countries with a population of over 120 million inhabitants. Really?
The new President of Poland promises to revive the “Intermarium”, indirectly hinting at the new prospects opened. "This is a serious task that stands before us, I would like to take an active part in its implementation. I say “we”, because I understand, what is the position of the President of Poland. I understand that in international relations, according to the Constitution, the President is obliged to cooperate with the government", said Duda.
"I hope this cooperation, and offer activity and actions – for example, meetings with heads of States of Central and Eastern Europe. Already now they are signals which indicate a willingness to meet and negotiate," – said Andrzej Duda.
The Confederate of the inter-seas movement can become the most powerful impetus for the development of the region, including through the involvement of new markets and opportunities logistics between Europe and Asia. Ukraine on this path receives its strong role of one of the locomotives of the Confederation, a kind of “United States of Europe”. Negotiating and entering into Union with equal, Ukraine may provide for a future and sustainable development for its people, but also the dream of every Ukrainian – participation in European processes based on the interests of the nation.
Victor Shevchuk, Vitaly Rajdev. Russian Jew.
Source: http://rusjev.net/