According to the American President, Russia ceased to pretend to be "just a little support separatists", and sent troops in Ukraine


Meeting with the reality may be the biggest surprise for Vladimir Putin over the past six months. Turns out that reality has nothing to do with virtuality, in which today lives not only a large part of Russian society, but in which more and more immersed and the Kremlin itself. After all, these "political" and "public" in Russia has already started to move.

7The President of Ukraine noted that the withdrawal of Russia and the closure of the border with the Russian Federation for militants and weapons will allow us to ascertain progress in de-escalation




To ensure that the Ukrainian army individual first aid kits Ukrainian production, similar to the NATO standards, need about 170 million UAH.


5Несколько тысяч военных передислоцируют в Восточную Европу, чтобы они могли быстро мобилизоваться и дать отпор возможной агрессии со стороны России

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