Expectations, fluctuations, meetings and appointments.

On may 23, the Israeli defense Ministry held an emergency meeting held in expanded format. It was attended by all Ministers, representatives of all parties included in the coalition government, senior army and military intelligence, as well as representatives of the opposition. The recent optimism has not waned.

The head of Egypt, President Gamal Abdel Nasser, followed the example of Eshkol. Not an example of the Israeli Prime Minister, the Egyptian President was a brilliant speaker. He gave an extremely impressive speech, in which, inter alia, said the following:

"We are in confrontation with Israel. But this is not 1956, when France and Britain were on his side. Now Israel is not supported by any European country. This time we will meet with Israel face to face. The Jews threaten us with war. I say - "Ahlan VA-sahlan" "Welcome"".

Abba Eban in his book "the witness and the witness" (“Personal Witness”) reports that the meeting adopted a unanimous resolution is necessary to send him abroad, for consultations to "seek the support of the international community in a sudden eruption of crisis."

His message needs to be a fair comment - there was a big chance that instead of him with this important mission will be sent another emissary. This experienced diplomat, highly educated and a very witty man, a polyglot with a triple gold medal Cambridge (he is very proud of this distinction in his autobiography) that he had in his country and the shadow of the power and authority which he believed himself entitled to. Even Eshkol, who appointed him Minister of foreign Affairs of Israel and the Deputy Prime Minister, believed that his Deputy "is always ready to replace a hard decision brilliant speech", and determined Eban - in their native Yiddish, which until the end of his life he preferred to speak in private circles. - as "der gelernter naar", which can be loosely translated as "a very learned fool."

Eban knew about his reputation and she was incredibly offended. He fought against it as best they could - for example, brought very favorable reviews from the American press about his eloquence, in which his conversation was compared to the style of De Gaulle and Churchill. The simple idea that there is obvious difference between the recognized leaders with, in addition to his immense authority and oratorical gift, and the person endowed with this gift, so to speak, in especially pure form, without any additional impurities - for some reason that thought crossed his mind.

Be that as it may - 25 may, Eban flew away. His route took him first to Paris, then London, and finally in the most important Western capitals, in Washington. In 1957, after the Sinai company, France promised to support Israel in case of a repeated blockade of Eilat, and England and USA in the same year made statements, they claim to "Aqaba Strait is international waters". Which meant that this area is not a territorial waters of Egypt. Therefore, they cannot be covered without violating international law.

Ban really hoped that England and the United States considers such actions a violation of their own interests - both countries were strongly interested in maintaining the principle of freedom of navigation. On France's support, he hopes not had relations with her strongly cooled. The war in Algeria ended, the need in France Israeli friendship are greatly reduced, now De Gaulle sought rapprochement with the Arab world. Last time on urgent telegrams from Israel French foreign Minister simply did not answer.

On may 26, the Egyptian President made another speech, turned to pan-Arab Federation of trade Unions. He repeated his previous words that "now is not 1956, when we were not at war with Israel, and with Britain and France" and added something new - "if war breaks out, it will be total and the objective will be the destruction of Israel". He called the United States "the main enemy", England - "American lackey".

May 27, Eban returned home. The results of his trip were disappointing - although he, contrary to all the evidence, interpreted them very positively. On his argument that "in 1957 you promised us..." in all three capitals, he said "yeah, but now 1967". The only difference was in the shades.

The worst reception was in France, De Gaulle demanded that Israel in any case did not take "no unilateral action", argued that "the crisis will be overcome by the conference of the 4 great powers", and finally dropped a very meaningful statement, "France will be against someone who fires first". And since France was the main supplier of weapons to Israel, these words should be taken very seriously.

British Prime Minister Harold Wilson in London spoke with Abana more friendly, but said that his country "is trying to combine the sizes of their responsibility with their resources, so unilaterally to do anything".

U.S. President Johnson was not so straightforward - in a manner that would honor the Delphic Oracle, he said that "Israel will not remain alone, unless you want to stay lonely".

What it actually meant? In any case, any concrete steps to help Israel - for example, in accelerating the supplies previously promised planes "Skyhook" he refused. However, the Americans promised "to consider the organization of an international Armada, which, under the protection of U.S. military vessels would have passed the Straits of Aqaba" is the enterprise should have been called "Regatta", and that this promise was the basis of Eban optimistic report to his government.

On 27 may, U Thant, returning from Egypt, presented a report to the UN Security Council on the situation in the middle East. He said that "as President Nasser of Egypt and the Minister of foreign Affairs Dr. Mahmoud Riad assured him that Egypt will not take offensive action against Israel, but the main goal is to restore the situation that existed prior to 1956".

Pronounced the same speech Nasser - "about total war, the purpose of which will be the destruction of Israel" - UN Secretary-General didn't notice - probably because it is understandable at such a busy man absent-mindedly. However, this produced a completely different impression, both in Israel and in the Arab countries, and there she took quite seriously.

In Cairo and Damascus were jubilant demonstrations - a huge crowd of people carrying placards expressing enthusiastic support of their governments. Newspapers came out with huge headlines "the End of Israel!", and with pictures, which depicted a burning tel Aviv with the blood-drenched streets and the piles of skulls as the front background.

In Israel, as you can guess, the mood was the opposite. Newborn Israel was founded by people that survived the crematorium and execution ditches Catastrophe in which six million vanished Jewish population of Europe. So non-interference watching the development of the conflict of the world touched the most painful memories is to rely on "fair world" was nothing. The actions of their own government trust the public did not inspire. The last straw in this sense was the speech by Eshkol on may 28. He came on the radio immediately after a sleepless night, provedennoy at the meeting in the Ministry of defence, the text read directly from a draft, as a result talked crumpled and indistinct. To top it off he lost, could not find the lost line, and in the open air - he asked his assistant to show him the right place.

On may 30 it became known that the American project of creating an international flotilla, which is under the protection of the American fleet will be Aqaba Strait, could not be implemented. None of the 80 countries which participated in this enterprise were offered, joined him. Egypt informed the US that ships trying to violate the territorial waters of Egypt, will shoot. Therefore, the attempt to draw the ships through the blockade would lead to a possible war, for which there was not prepared the resources or political will.

On the same day in Cairo arrived an unexpected guest - the king of Jordan Hussein. Received him fraternally with open arms, although just a couple of days before the visit of Radio Cairo called king only as "hagemashi a whore". King Hussein came to the conclusion that war is inevitable, that his political stance, defined as "to sit on the fence and wait for the outcome of events" no longer provides security for his country, or him personally, and that we must hurry to join the winner. Was immediately concluded a Treaty of friendship and mutual assistance, the Jordanian army placed under the command of an Egyptian General, Ahmed Shukeiri - head of the Palestinian political organization, under the control of the Egyptian government, sworn enemy of king Hussein - flew to Amman, together with the king as a messenger of goodwill. Needless to say that his radical anti-Jordanian views it with lightning speed changed.

For Israel, this was a huge event. War on three fronts was quite a tangible reality. Public opinion came to the conclusion that "something must be done, and immediately." Some paraphrasing Lenin, we can say that under Israeli "chaotic democracy" in the Parliament submitted a dozen or two of parties, a Central Committee of these parties, numbering hundreds, and even thousands of members - public opinion becomes a material force.

On the evening of 1 June for the post of Israeli defense Minister was Moshe Dayan was appointed. Dayan was a man known in Israel, was talking about him. For example, it was alleged that he was a braggart, a liar, a poser and a diva. He was considered incorrigible ubojnia – and this statement was made with good reason. And he was considered the true author of the victory in the war of 1956. That he - unlike Eshkol, will be ready to act decisively - that the Israeli public did not cause any doubts. The appointment of this man talked about the fact that the oscillation period came to an end.

Abba Eban writes in his book "the witness and the witness" that he, Eban, called June 1 to the chief of the General staff of the Israeli General Rabin and his Deputy, the chief of military intelligence General filed ashualyu, and informed them that - in his opinion - "you can start". He argues that both the General and the Prime Minister of Eshcol "expressed deep relief" on this issue. Not Rochas for generals, say that to a casual observer, the words Eban sound somewhat comical - he looks like a man who is a very important form gives permission to send the train that has already gone. Diplomacy was over, then had to speak army.

Source: http://www.waronline.org/


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